
Last year at Alserkal Avenue during the opening days of Art Dubai at the Isabelle van den Eynde (IEVD) Gallery, featuring the spectacular installation by Ramin & Rokni Haerizadeh and Hesam Rahmanian. Photo NeilvdL

On the occasion of Art Dubai Galleries Night, Alserkal Avenue

will host a collective reception.

From the press information:

‘On March 18, 2013 as a part of Art Dubai Galleries Night, Alserkal Avenue will yet again open their doors from 18:00 to 21:00 to the community with long awaited exhibitions and inauguration of the new additions to its arts community.

The night will officially inaugurate The Barakat Gallery and Lammtara Art Production as the new additions to the cultural district of Dubai situated in the midst of an industrial area of Al Quoz. The new creative spaces within will add to the wave of creativity, invite

new talent as well as contribute to further cultivate a cultural exchange among the arts community.

Alserkal Avenue is thrilled to welcome Lammtara Art Production- an award winning ‘Freej’ cartoon creators and a first animation studio to be housed in Alserkal to date. Lammtara Pictures has put UAE on the global map of entertainment; it brings together technical, creative and production capabilities as well as creates a new generation of animated feature films.

The Barakat Gallery will feature key works from Fayaz Barakat portfolio as well as a working studio and a separate micro gallery designed to stage pop-up exhibitions for emerging artists from across the MENA region. It will open its doors with a solo exhibition by Fayez Barakat titled ‘Beyond Fantasy’ , which will feature a series of 40 never-before-seen works.

Alserkal Avenue is also thrilled to host the Mobile Art Gallery (M.A.G). a project by Art Dubai, as a part of galleries night; a nomadic, pop-up gallery that operates from a peripatetic truck.The traveling gallery titled ‘The Nonfictional Fantasy’ showcases contemporary works by UAE-based artists, including Azim Al Ghussein, Shamsa Al Omaira, Rami Farook, Rania Jishi, Karim Mortada, Sharmeen Syed and Sara AlHaddad. M.A.G is initiated and curated by the Dubai-based independent curators Isabella Ellaheh Hughes and Angelle Siyang-Le.

The visitors of the Galleries Night will also witness an announcement of the International Emerging Artist Award 2013 at FN Designs, as well as be able to view an exhibition of the top 10 finalists of the competition.

Eight contemporary art galleries from Alserkal Avenue will participate at Art Dubai this March during the Art Week, including the newest future addition to the arts district- Galerie El Marsa. Galerie El Marsa was founded in 1994 in Tunis and aims to promote artists from the Arab world and beyond. Through an array of mediums including painting, sculpture, photography and installation, the gallery engages with artists who emphasize a shared sense of humanity and emotion, highlighting a variety of coexisting attitudes and strategies in contemporary art.

New exhibition openings will take place at the art spaces within Alserkal Avenue, including Lawrie Shabibi, Salsali Private Museum, Etemad Gallery, Ayyam Gallery, Gallery Isabelle, GreyNoise, Green Art Gallery, Satellite, Mojo, Carbon 12, Showcase and GPP.’


Last year at Alserkal Avenue during the opening days of Art Dubai at the Al Ayyam Gallery. Photo NeilvdL


Last year at Alserkal Avenue during the opening days of Art Dubai at Grey Noise Gallery. Photo NeilvdL

Location: Posted on: Friday, March 8th, 2013

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